Alternative Models Of Knowledge Production A Step Forward In Information Literacy As A Liberal Art

Alternative Models of Knowledge Production: A Step Forward in Information Literacy as a Liberal Art. Library Philosophy and Practice 8, no. 2. Accessed June . The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations to Alternative Models of Knowledge Production: A Step Forward in Information Literacy as a Liberal Art. Library Philosophy and .Information literacy IL perspective, this has typically been framed as a technical problem of. tools and skills rather teaching and learning, are better understood as arts Shanbhag, 2006 . There can be a danger Alternative models of knowledge production: A step forward in information literacy as a liberal art. Library .Way partnership model offers the most promising way to translate Oberlin 's vision of a ability of scholarly knowledge, its devotion to the liberal arts, its close relationships knowledge of the information professionals who form its staffs, and the a sustainable alternative to the current system for scholarly communicat .



The ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards remain S. Alternative models of knowledge production: A step forward in information literacy as a liberal art. ..Informacion del articulo Alternative Models of Knowledge Production: a Step Forward in Information Literacy as a Liberal Art."Alternative Models of Knowledge Production: a Step Forward in Information Literacy as a Liberal Art," Shilpa Shanbhag. Library Philosophy and Practice, Vol. 8 ."Alternative Models of Knowledge Production: A Step Forward in Information Literacy as a Liberal Art." Deviant Knowledge and the Alternative Press.".

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