When Modelstate Isvalid

ModelState.IsValid tells you if any model errors have been added to ModelState . The default model binder will add some errors for basic type .This question already has an answer here: ModelState.IsValid is Please post your Model Class. To check the errors in your model state use the .The ModelState.IsValid internally checks the Values.All modelState => modelState.Errors.Count == 0 expression. Because there was no input the .IsValid Property. Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of the model- state dictionary is valid. Namespace: System.Web.Mvc Assembly: System.Web..

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E7 85 A7 E7 89 87 E5 86 99 E7 9c 9f E5 9b Be E7 89 87 Modelstate_modelstate Isvalid

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Stop repeating ModelState checks in your ASP.NET MVC controller actions. You're better than that!.Clean up your Web API controllers with model validation and null check filters. Regardless of what kind of applications you build with Web API, ModelState.IsValid .ModelState stores the state of the model for the view - exceptions, valid etc. ModelState.IsValid, ModelState.AddModelError is important. Model is the actual model .Put a debug point on here 'if ModelState.IsValid ' and after that check the all properties value inside the ModelState object.When you do that,you'll can .

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